NgoMashi 14, 2023, i-Greatway Technology yamemezela ukuqeda ukuthengwa kwefekthri kwe-Shenzhen Current Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Yamanje). NgoJanuwari 4, iGreatway Technology yaba nesivumelwano neShenzhen Yamanje mayelana nokuthola zonke izindawo zokukhiqiza. Ngemva kwalokhu kutholwa, bonke abasebenzi bokukhiqiza/ubuchwepheshe/bezentengiso be-Shenzhen Yamanje bajoyine ithimba le-Greatway Technology ngokufanele.
Itholakala ku-5F Building 2 ye-Lihe Industrial Park, i-Greatway Technology iyi-RF phezu kwe-fiber transmission product design house kanye nefektri kusukela ngo-2004, ehlinzeka ngesamukeli se-FTTH CATV, i-RFoG ONU yemodemu yekhebula le-ftth, isathelayithi eyodwa noma i-Twin fiber optic LNB FTTH phezu kwe-GPON, Two. /Amasathelayithi amane ngaphezu kwesixhumanisi se-fiber eyodwa, i-3224MHz Satellite Fiber Link, i-GPON ne-GPON+, i-EoC, i-1218MHz i-CATV optical transmitter kanye ne-optical node, isigaba sokusakaza isixhumanisi se-fiber AV/ASI/SDI.
Itholakala ku-2F Building 3 ye-Lihe Industrial Park, i-Shenzhen Current Technology Co., Ltd. iklama futhi ikhiqize i-fiber optic modular transmitter, isamukeli se-FTTH CATV, isamukeli se-FTTH CATV esingenamandla njll. I-Shenzhen Yamanje ingumdayisi ogunyaziwe we-Comcast njll.
Imikhiqizo elandelayo ejwayelekile ye-Shenzhen Yamanje inikezwa yi-Greatway Technology ngemuva kwalokhu.

I-ORN-1000SM F55 ayisamukeli se-CATV FTTH esingenawo amandla, esiguqula isignali ye-FTTH ibe yi-CATV RF ngaphandle kwe-DC powered amplifier. Amandla anconyiwe okufakwayo okubonwayo okungenamandla kwesamukeli se-FTTH ngu--2dBm we-analog TV noma -8dBm ye-DVB-C STB. I-ORN-2040AW isamukeli se-FTTH esine-WDM ukuya ku-ONU kanye nokuphumayo kwe-80dBuV endaweni eyodwa noma ezimbili ze-RF.

I-ORN-815T/1550 i-modular fiber optic transmitter kanye ne-ORN-827H PVC F55 modular fibre optic receiver inikeza isixazululo esingabizi kakhulu sokudluliswa kwe-RF phezu kwe-Fiber.
After this acquisition, Greatway Technology still offers the same prices and qualities products to former Shenzhen Current customers. Together with Greatway Technology leading technology on Satellite and CATV RF over fiber, Greatway has more products and better manufacturing capability to meet diversified demands on Satellite TV or CATV fiber to the home, fiber to the building. For more information, please contact
Isikhathi sokuthumela: Mar-14-2023